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Board Roles & Responsibilities

Theatre West leadership is comprised of a volunteer operational board.  The Stardust theatre is managed by the SCW Recreation Center (RC) Lead and Production Coordinator.  The Theatre West Club Board partners with the RC to bring engaging main stage performances and musicals.


Board Elections will take place in March, followed by shadowing outgoing officers in April. Terms starting in May 1. 
Members in good standing are invited to express interest in a board position by contacting the nominating committee chair Mike Baker.  For more information or for Mike's contact info, email president(at)theatrewestscw(dot)com. 


All board members should be prepared to attend in person and remote meetings through out the year.  Volunteer Job Descriptions outline each roles responsibilities and accountabilities. Board members must familiarize themselves with Google Workplace products ( google drive, sheets, docs, slides and gmail) and back office software with personal access to the internet to access board information.  Personal email addresses are not used by active board members.  


During board elections, we strongly encourage you to fully understand the responsibilities and deliverables of the board positions.  During a general meeting, nominee's have opportunity to share their qualifications in context of the positions responsibilities and answer any questions from the membership.  More info: Club Officers Role Descriptions | Bylaws


Our Board

Volunteers dedicated to fostering a vibrant theatre community with outstanding productions, community engagement and inspiring each members artistic spirit.  We're grateful for each board member who brings their best talents to our club with dedication and many hours of service.  Thank you board! 


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